
France Imposes a 4-Week Lockdown for November

France Imposes a 4-Week Lockdown for November

A rise in COVID-19 cases in France has triggered a new Lockdown. However, the rules are a little bit different depending on where you are, or where you plan to travel. These rules come into force from October 30th, so you need to start thinking about your plans.


The restrictions are the most extreme in metropolitan areas, such as Paris.

In Paris, residents are back to being confined to their homes unless they have an exemption certificate for travelling to work, to a medical appointment, or other appropriate needs. Masks are mandatory while outside, not just in indoor spaces.

This rule on the use of masks is the case right across France, so international travellers must be aware of this and willing to comply. Otherwise, other areas of France have a more relaxed approach. It is still possible for groups of 6 people or less to meet in public. Some venues will also continue to operate and put on events as long as they can create Covid-secure spacing and social distancing measures.


What does this all mean for tourists heading to France in November?

The good news is that European borders are not closed and travellers from this region can still come to France. Hotels are still open to welcome guests that have bookings. But, you may find that there are stricter measures regarding social distancing and cleaning. Be prepared to wear your mask, wash your hands often, follow designated routes, and undergo testing when advised to. Airports and seaports do plan on testing all those arriving.

The other ray of sunshine here is that this is a proposed 4-week lockdown to try and get control of this second wave of the disease. Hopefully, restrictions will ease at the end of November and both tourists and residents can enjoy France with a little more normalcy

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