
Mille et une orchidées, the exhibition at the Jardin des Plantes

Mille et une orchidées, the exhibition at the Jardin des Plantes

Dear guests staying at our hotel De la Motte Picquet, here's a quite original idea to enjoy your stay in Paris: Le Jardin des Plantes invites you to spend great times at one of the most beautiful parks of the capital, in a cheerful and colorfoul setting on the occasion of the exhibition the "Mille & une orchidées" from February, 11th to Marh, 7th, 2016.
Tomorrow Circus World Festival in Paris

Tomorrow Circus World Festival in Paris

For the 37th consecutive year, Paris will be host to the Tomorrow Circus World Festival (festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain) which will run at the Reuilly, Cirque Phenix, from the 28th to the 31st of January, 2016.


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