
Enjoy Ice Cream on the Musée Guimet Terrace this Summer

Enjoy Ice Cream on the Musée Guimet Terrace this Summer

The easing of lockdown restrictions in Paris has opened the doors to some experiences we have craved for months. While following appropriate guidelines, you can once again head to museums and sit out on terraces to enjoy good food and sunshine. A great option for a hot July day is the rooftop terrace of Musée Guimet.

Get Lost in a Mad Dimension in Paris this Summer

Get Lost in a Mad Dimension in Paris this Summer

2020 has been a difficult year so far for those that need a little escapism and culture. Paris’ museums and galleries shut their doors, barring us from the treasures within. Well, there is good news for those that need a break from reality because The Mad Dimension has reopened for weekend tours.

Tourism in Paris in the Age of Deconfinement

Tourism in Paris in the Age of Deconfinement

The idea of life getting back to normal is something that difficult to comprehend right now. Restrictions may have eased, but things are still under tight control. For example, while many residents aren’t restricted to their homes in the same way, there are ...

Enjoy The Paris Opera at Home This Spring

Enjoy The Paris Opera at Home This Spring

The Paris Opera made an important step in the middle of March to put content online for those dealing with the stress and boredom of Coronavirus lockdown. The idea was simple. Every night, at 7:30 pm, viewers could head to their website, or to Culturebox, and watch a performance for free.

A Virtual Tour at the Louvre Paris : Here's what it looks like

A Virtual Tour at the Louvre Paris : Here's what it looks like

Thanks to digitalization, art lovers and fans of the Louvre have the chance now to visit the museum virtually and discover some of its greatest collections, its exhibition rooms, galleries, and much more. In this article, we have picked for you the most interesting virtual tours that you will certainly love taking on the museum’s website.



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